Introduction of a Simplified International Student Visa Framework (SSVF):
On 16 June 2015 the Australian Government released the Future directions for streamlined visa processing report and announced the introduction of a simplified student visa framework (SSVF) to support Australia's education services sector.
Subject to the regulatory change process, it is expected that the SSVF will be implemented by mid-2016.
Key changes under the SSVF are:
A working group comprising peak bodies and relevant commonwealth and state government agencies has been established to support implementation of the eight recommendations from the report. These changes will simplify the student visa framework, significantly reduce red tape, create a level playing field for all education providers and deliver a more targeted approach to immigration integrity.
The new simplified student visa process will boost equity and support an environment where high quality and low risk providers can prosper.
Australian Universities have worked well with the DIBP on the development and ongoing implementation of SVP and welcomes the opportunity to continue working with government in developing the specifics of the simplified international student visa framework.
Primarily G8 could check student financial eligibility and recommend the same which were not challenged by the DIBP, now all approved education providers can screen the students under AL (Assessment Level) regime from AL1-AL3 to decide whether the students need to furnish financial eligibility documents or not.
Indian students will fall under AL2/AL3 and will be required to produce financial documents. DIBP may not check financials for AL1 bracket but can check supporting documents for AL2/AL3 (Indian students).
Although more or less, the education provider will have to ratify the financial prowess of the students they intend to intake. DIBP will only intervene on exceptional cases.
For the International Language Testing System, the minimum score will be 5.5, 5 when combined with 10 weeks or more ELICOS, and 4.5 when combined with 20 weeks or more ELICOS.