Pay Credila any remaining Origination Fee amount to collect your original Education Loan Sanction Letter. It would advisable to provide a cheque from the same account from which the ECS is to be given as per the sanction letter, so that Credila can get the required bank details to prepare your ECS form.
Decide the exact date when you would like to take the disbursement from Credila. This will depend upon when you get your visa (if applicable) or the last date of tuition fee payment.
You will also need to decide exactly how much money you would like Credila to disburse as a first tranche and remit the University/College for fees, and how much towards your living expenses.
You would also need to provide exact details about how the fees need to be remitted to the University/ College, and to you by providing exact banking details, viz., method of payment such as bank wire transfer, demand draft (payable in which city) etc. All this information is easily available from the University / College in the admission package they have sent you.
After receiving all the above details, Credila will be able to prepare your final loan agreement documents. These loan agreement documents need to be signed by the Student, all the Co-borrowers, & Guarantor (if any) by visiting Credila's office. If student & any of the co-borrowers are located in different cities, then you need to plan for getting original education loan documents signed from multiple cities by sending them via courier or making sure that all the parties are available in one city on the same day. If you do not plan this properly, it can delay you getting your money from Credila on time.
You will need to get three copies of the completed ECS (Electronic Clearing System) mandate from Credila, which you will then need to get signed and stamped from your bank (from where you will be making the monthly repayment to Credila). One of the original copies of the ECS form needs to be given to the bank manager for their records. This can only be done, after you have decided the exact date of disbursement.
At the time of all parties visiting Credila's office for signing the education loan agreement documents you will also need to bring following documents with you:
(If you do NOT have 8 cheques from this bank account, please make sure that you apply for additional cheques from your bank as soon as possible to avoid any delays in getting the education loan amount from Credila. Banks can take up to 2 weeks, in some cases, to provide you the additional cheques.)
The final step to get your education loan money from Credila is to visit Credila's office to handover all the above mentioned original documents and sign the education loan agreement documents. Also refer point
Credila will transfer the education loan money to the bank account of the University/ College or hand over a Demand Draft as per the information provided by you in the DRF. (See Step 4).
For any help on the above, please contact your Relationship Manager or write to us at